Rates & Charges

The following is a BASIC OUTLINE of the TRMUA’s Annual Service Charges
For a complete description of all related fees, Click here to download the  2025 Rate Schedule.

Description of Annual Service Charges

 1) Residential – single family unit
or each individual dwelling unit
of a multi-dwelling use.
A minimum rate of $350.78 plus $18.98 per fixture over four (4) shall apply, exclusive of one laundry facility and one dishwasher.
 2) Non-Residential – includes all
other users not classified as
residential above.
$6.59 per thousand gallons of water consumption, however a minimum rate of
$350.78 plus $58.45 per fixture over two (2) shall apply.
 3) Common Area – Age Restricted $6.59 per thousand gallons of water consumption, however, a minimum rate of
$350.78 plus $18.89 per fixture over four (4) shall apply.

Description of Annual Service Charges

Terms of Payments

1) Residential Bills and Non-Residential Minimum Bills are rendered annually in advance with four quarterly coupon payments due prior to January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1.
2) Excess Consumption Bills are rendered semi-annually. The first and second quarters of the year shall be rendered in July.  The third and fourth quarters of the year shall be rendered in January of the following year. Excess consumption bills are due 30 days after mailing.
PURSUANT TO NJSA 40:14b-20.2


Authorization to Bill Association             Authorization to Bill Property Manager           Authorization to Bill Tenant